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ET Rover Pipeline Landowner’s Group

By August 21, 2014November 1st, 2019Uncategorized


 ET Rover Pipeline, LLC (Rover) has proposed installing a large (42 inch) pipeline across Ohio (and other states) to transport natural gas being produced from the Marcellus and Utica Shales in eastern Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. This is an “interstate” pipeline (a pipeline that cross several states) and if Rover gets approval by Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to install this pipeline, Rover will have eminent domain rights to take landowners property.

We firmly believe landowners who group together have greater leverage in negotiations. To try and maximize potential compensation and secure landowner friendly pipeline easement terms for landowners, the Emens & Wolper Law Firm has formed a group for landowners to join called the Rover Pipeline Landowners Group (RPLG). While our law firm will represent each of the RPLG members individually, this group is specifically designed to increase landowners leverage in the ET Rover negotiations. We believe there is power in numbers.

We will be hosting RPLG meetings in several different areas of the State over the next few months. If you or a neighbor want to attend one of our meetings, please email or call us to let us know your Township and County.  We plan to communicate with the RPLG, primarily through email, at least bi-monthly to keep you fully informed. If you want to join the RPLG, please contact us and will send you an engagement letter to join.

If you have questions, we (Dick Emens, Craig Wilson, Sean Jacobs, and Chris Hodakievic of Emens Wolper Jacobs & Jasin) will be happy to talk with you at no cost if you call (614) 414-0888.